Attention Parents of 11th grade students, tomorrow, Thursday, April 11 your child will take the SAT TEST. Make sure they bring their Chromebook (fully charged) so that they can test. Students need to make sure they arrive on time for first period.
Report Cards go home with students today at LHS
Attention Parents of 10th grade students, tomorrow, Thursday, March 28 your child will take the PSAT 10. Make sure they bring their Chromebook (fully charged) so that they can test. Students need to make sure they arrive on time for first period.
Food Boxes are available for pick up Thursday and Friday
If food insecurity is an issue for any LHS family, we have been provided with a box of non-perishable food items for you.
We also provide a weekend bag of food every Friday from Ms. Bentley-Dalton's office.
Please be aware of an Active Threat Drill (ATD), on Friday, February 16, 2024, at Logan High School. This is just a Drill, and we will not know the exact time the Drill will occur.
No School for Students, Staff Will Report on Monday February 12 and Tuesday February 13. Three Hour Delay Schedule for Staff on Tuesday February 13. Parent Teacher Conference at LHS for Parents to talk to Teachers about Student Performance and Classroom Behavior on Tuesday, February 13 from 3 pm - 6 pm!
Hey Wildcats....Don't forget to order your 2024 yearbook at yearbookforever.com.
No School on Monday, January 15 for MLK Holiday
*Parents and Students of Logan High School* Sign-ups to join the LHS band for next semester are ending soon! If you have a student who may be interested in joining, or if you ARE a student and you have any interest, COME TALK TO MR. CAMPBELL! No experience necessary! Let's build this program together
The backpack program provides
4 Entrees 2 Milk 1 Juice 2 Veggie/Fruit Cup 2 Breakfasts 2 Snacks
Please have students complete this survey today if they are interested in receiving a backpack of food. https://forms.office.com/r/tAVstyCZbR
Have a Safe & Happy Thanksgiving Break, Wildcats! See you on Monday, November 27!
Today will be the final day of the morning drop off at the side door for car riders and front door for buses. The Logan field house gym will be back open for morning drop off after Thanksgiving break. All students will report directly to first period today upon arrival.
Today will be the final day of the morning drop off at the side door for car riders and front door for buses. The gym will be back open for morning drop off after Thanksgiving break.
PSAT & SAT Testing - 9th Grade Students will test on Wednesday October 18, 2023 10th grade students will test on Thursday October 19, 2023 11th grade students will test on Friday October 20, 2023 Set a reminder to Charge Chromebooks the night before and bring them to school for the test !
Logan County Schools has successfully completed the scheduled Active Threat Drill (ATD). We appreciate your patience and cooperation during today’s drill. At this time, all schools have returned to their normal schedule and students can now be signed in and out. We would like to thank all Logan County First Responders who participated in our exercise today. Logan County Schools is committed to making safety the top priority for all students and staff.
This is Mrs. Stanley Principal at Logan High School please listen carefully to the following information. Logan County Schools will be conducting a district-wide “Active Threat Drill” at approximately 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 3rd. The purpose of this drill is to ensure our school community and first responders are better prepared in the event of a real threat. Please have a conversation with your child that this is simply a drill and there is no reason to be frightened; however, they should take the drill very seriously. We want to thank Logan County Schools and our first responders for making school safety the top priority. Please visit our school Facebook page or our school webpage for more information regarding this matter. Thank you and have a wonderful weekend.
This is just a reminder that Logan High School is releasing early today for the Homecoming Parade. School will end at 11 AM today.
Wear your blue & gold to support the Wildcats for Homecoming today! Let's Go Wildcats!! Beat Clay County!! Dismissal is at 11 AM and the Parade rolls at 1PM. Game starts at 7 PM tonight!
Tomorrow is Battle of the Classes at Logan High School This is A Logan Wildcat Tradition.! Wear your Class Shirt Color: Freshmen wear White. Sophomores wear Gold. Juniors wear Blue. Seniors wear Black.