West Virginia School Immunization Information
12th graders have new immunization requirements (Tdap & meningococcal vaccines). Must show proof of these immunizations prior to school entry.Parent Volunteers contact Ms. Susan Adkins for training & required paperwork.
Common Ground Resources for students, educators and military families
Logan County Schools will provide meals to students at no cost & LHS does not accept food deliveries for students. LHS is a closed campus & students may not leave for lunch.
Students can apply to enroll in these programs as Juniors & Seniors if they are not behind on credits !
Important information for LHS Parents/Guardians
Student Detention
All questions or concerns related to School Discipline should be directed to Ms. Melissa Bentley. Asst. Principal
Detention will be held after school on Tuesday and Thursday from 3:15 pm - 5:45 pm when a Level 1-2 infraction has occurred. Some teachers may offer a lunch detention as part of their classroom management plan. Failure to attend detention will result in suspension of a student.
No student
should exit any other door of the building during school hours for any reason.
No student should open the door for someone else to enter or exit the building during school hours for any reason.
Outside breakfast and lunch deliveries are not accepted at LHS or allowed through the front doors of the school.
Student Attendance
All questions or concerns related to School Attendance should be directed to Ms. Susan Adkins, Asst. Principal
Student Check In & Out Policy & Procedures
All students can be checked in and out through the front office. Logan High School will not excuse students who drive to school to leave LHS without a parent/guardian present.
All rules concerning check in, and check are tied to providing a safe school environment for students, as well as to make school attendance a priority at LHS.
Students are expected to be at school when the day begins and enter and exit the building through the front doors of the school between 7:25 am to 2:45 pm.
Students enter and exit through the sign out area.
Excused Absence Policy & Procedures
An Absence is not being present in the school building.
After 10 Unexcused Absences, a petition will be filed with juvenile court. It is highly recommended that students are not signed out school during the school day. Students have three (3) days after returning to school to provide an excuse (Parent note, doctors excuse, etc.) If no excuse is provided the days absent are considered unexcused.
Students with excused or unexcused absences will be allowed to make up their work.
Absences and Tardies are reported to the Department of Motor Vehicles and Drivers Licenses can be revoked as well as prevent students from attending the homecoming dance and prom. Athletic teams at LHS will implement the No Play without Attendance rule.
Family Engagement
Parent Access to Live Grades
It is very important that you create your own account instead of using your child's so that you will receive parent messages when they are sent by the teachers.
To get started, you will need a "Guardian Login Information" sheet from the school. You can only get this sheet from the school office or any of your children's teachers.
You will need to choose a username and password and provide your name and email address.
Finally, you will need to enter the student code and pass key from the sheet to associate your new account to the student.
If you have any additional students at the same or other schools in the same district, once you have logged into your account, you will have an option to enter additional student codes and pass keys to associate additional students to your account.
Each parent can have their own account to view your child's progress. Please see your schools' counselors.
Download the Logan County Schools, WV App
Select LHS under "Schools" & choose to receive "Push Notifications" for LHS